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Bible Teaching

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Starting Friday January 14, 2022 @6pm 8 weeks

Biblical Doctrine

Doctrine of the Word of God: Authority and inerrancy of the bible. The Clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of the bible.

Doctrine of God: the character of God, the communicable attributes of God, the trinity, creation, God’s providence, prayer, Angels, Satan, Demons.

The Doctrine of Man: Creation, male and female, sin.

The Doctrine of Christ: His past manifestation, His wondrous birth, Prophetic witness, historic witness, apostolic witness, authentic witness, His silent years, His two natures, His Baptism, His temptation, His sinlessness, His matchless words and works, His death, resurrection, His ascension, His present ministry, His prospective majesty.

The Doctrine of Holy Spirit: Scriptures and the Spirit, Old Testament activities, the personality of the spirit, third person of the Trinity, the heart, mind, will of the spirit. The deity of the spirit.

Zoom Conferences

Once a month we have fellowship over the Zoom Platform

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Passcode: 558873
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